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New Tampa Plastic Surgery Blog

Thank you for visiting our Blog at New Tampa Plastic Surgery. Here Dr. Fakhre and our team will answer select questions posted by patients. We will also address important and trending topics in plastic surgery. We hope you will find this information helpful and welcome you to submit any questions or comments you may have to Dr. Fakhre at

Skin Care 
Thursday January 23rd, 2025.

A very important part of our appearance is the quality of our skin. As such we would like to dedicate this month’s blog to the topic of skin care. The majority of aging is due to sun damage. Taking proper sun precautions and the use of skin care products can help treat these effects. Hydroquinone and Tretinoin are two basic skin care products that can help with dark spots on the face and fine wrinkles. Latisse is another product that is used to help grow your natural eyelashes as thinning can occur with age.

Hydroquinone is a topical bleaching cream that helps lighten hyperpigmentation, freckles or spots on the face. It can also help balance and even out skin tone. First you must wash your face with a facial cleanser such as Cetaphil. Next, apply a thin layer of Hydroquinone over the entire face. Afterwards, apply a sunscreen with a SPF of at least 30 on top of the Hydroquinone. It cannot be used all year round and should be cycled with no more than 3 cycles per year. You can apply it every day for 8 weeks then stop. If after 4 weeks you need areas to lighten more, you may start another 8 week cycle.

Tretinoin also known as Retin-A is a cream used to diminish fine wrinkles. This is a strong product that is recommended to be mixed with a moisturizer so you do not irritate the skin. Using too much can cause burning or redness. First you need to wash your face with a gentle facial cleanser. Then use a green pea amount of Tretinoin and mix it with a gentle moisturizer and mix them together. It is important to then distribute evenly onto your entire face. The Tretinoin can be for long term use to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles by stimulating collagen and reducing sun damage.

Latisse is a prescription product from the FDA to help lengthen and make fuller eyelashes. After taking off all your makeup at night, you apply one drop to the brush for each eye and apply only to the upper eyelids. You will start to see length in 4 weeks and will see full growth by 16 weeks. It is important you stay dedicated to applying it every night to maintain results.

Skin care is important to continue as we age to maintain a healthy, beautiful appearance in Tampa or Wesley Chapel, Florida. We are fortunate to have Christina Ahrens, ARNP a Board Certified Nurse Practitioner with over 10 years of experience in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery at New Tampa Plastic Surgery. If you would like to begin a skin care regimen, please contact our office at 813-PLASTIC, to schedule your complimentary consultation!

Breast Augmentation or Breast Lift?
Tuesday August 18th, 2015.

For this blog entry, we would like to clear up some common misconceptions about cosmetic breast surgery. We often meet patients who are interested in a breast augmentation, but upon their examination, it becomes clear that they are in need of a mastopexy or breast lift. A breast augmentation serves to increase the volume of the breasts with the use of implants. It does little to address sagging of the breasts or nipples. In these cases a mastopexy or breast lift is required.

Breast augmentation is consistently one of the most common cosmetic procedures performed in plastic surgery. The reason for its popularity is because it can safely and beautifully add volume to the breasts. Patient satisfaction following breast augmentation is extremely high and this is reflected in the procedure’s popularity. While the increase in volume may slightly lift the nipples, it is not meant as a replacement for a breast lift or mastopexy. 

In cases where significant ptosis or sagging of the breasts is present, a breast lift is necessary to move the nipples to a more youthful position. A mastopexy is also very helpful in improving asymmetries in the breasts.  There are a variety of lifts available and these can be tailored to each breast to achieve the best result possible.

Frequently women desire an increase in volume in addition to the lifting of their nipples. In these cases an augmentation mastopexy, or lift with breast implants is necessary. There are limitations to performing these procedures together. These procedures create opposing forces, with the lift reducing the amount of skin present and the augmentation tightening and stretching the remaining skin. Therefore, the size of implants used is generally smaller than in an augmentation alone. 

We hope that this blog entry has answered some of your questions about the differences between a breast augmentation and a mastopexy or breast lift. To find out if you would be a good candidate for cosmetic breast surgery  or any other procedures in Tampa and Wesley Chapel,
feel free to contact us and set a complimentary consultation with Dr. Fakhre, our Double Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, at (813)-PLASTIC.

Mommy Makeover Surgery.
Tuesday June 16th, 2015.

Over time and certainly after having children, women often experience significant changes in their bodies. The realization that they are not in the shape they once were has led many to consider plastic surgery. The mommy makeover procedure addresses many of the undesirable changes that occur during pregnancy. The most common areas in need of treatment are the breasts and abdomen.

Often after pregnancy and childbirth, the abdomen does not return to its original condition. Loose skin, stretch marks and a persistent abdominal “pouch” can be unsightly. The breasts also undergo significant changes particularly in women who have breast fed. The breasts may sag and lose desired volume. The combination of these problems often results in a patient’s dissatisfaction with their body image. Thanks to the mommy makeover procedure a patient is able to address both problems in one surgery. At New Tampa Plastic Surgery we can help you get back the body that you once had with the mommy makeover surgery.
One of the main procedures included in a mommy makeover is a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty. This procedure can help address the loose skin and stretch marks that occur following pregnancy or weight loss. There are two different types of abdominoplasty, a full and a mini abdominoplasty. In the full abdominoplasty procedure, Dr. Fakhre runs an horizontal incision low on the abdomen and another around the belly button. The abdominal muscles are tightened with special stitches and the excess loose skin is removed.  

The mini abdominoplasty differs slightly from the full abdominoplasty, mainly in that it only consists of one incision instead of two. No incision is made around the belly button, only the horizontal incision that runs along the lower abdomen. This incision is typically smaller in size. It is important to keep in mind, the mini abdominoplasty does not address the area of the loose skin or lax muscle in the upper abdomen. As a general rule the mini abdominoplasty only addresses laxity below the belly button.

The other main procedure is included in the mommy makeover is a breast augmentation and/or breast lift. To determine which of the two options is best for you, Dr. Fakhre will discuss your goals and take measurements of your breasts. Specifically the position of the nipples relative to the inframammary fold is considered. If the position of the nipple is above the crease and you’ve just lost breast volume, then a breast augmentation is best. If the nipples are too low then a breast lift will be required. This can be done with or without breast implants, depending on whether the patient desires an increase in breast size. In order to perform a breast lift, incisions are typically needed around the nipple, up, down and in the crease. This is what is commonly called the anchor lift.

During the consultation with Dr. Fakhre, he will examine you to help you determine exactly which procedures will benefit you the most. To find out if you would be a good candidate for the mommy makeover procedure in Tampa please feel free to call us and schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. Fakhre, our Double Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, at 813-PLASTIC (813-752-7842)!

Facelift Surgery.
Sunday, May 17th, 2015.

Unfortunately time can take us all by surprise and before we know it the image we see in the mirror might not be the person we once knew. Genetics, aging, gravity and the stress of life can all play a part in aging our faces. Patients often complain that they look tired and aged even though they still feel great.  Although nothing can be done to reverse time, there is hope! A facelift or rhytidectomy is one of the most popular procedures in all of plastic surgery! It can help both women and men regain the youthful appearance they once had.

The face lift procedure can treat wrinkles as well as loose or sagging skin caused by aging or weight loss. A face lift may also improve the appearance of the nasolabial folds which are the creases that run from the sides of the nose down to the corners of the mouth. It can also improve the appearance of jowls as well as the marionette lines which run from the corners of the mouth to the chin. In cases where a significant excess of skin and laxity is present in the neck, a neck lift will also be needed. Keep in mind that a face lift does not address the upper or lower eyelids or eyebrows. Although the procedure does do a wonderful restorative job, the aging process will continue following surgery.

One of the benefits of undergoing facelift surgery is that the scarring can be very well hidden around the ears. The incision typically starts at the side burn and runs in front of the ear and circles behind the ear into the hairline. The incisions are made very precisely and as such they are generally very difficult to see after surgery. Two drains are usually placed behind the ears during surgery and these are typically removed the following day. These drains help get rid of any excess fluid under the skin following surgery.

After surgery patients are wrapped with a special face lift compression wrap that will help reduce swelling. We advise to use this wrap for two weeks after surgery. We also recommend that patients avoid any strenuous activities or heavy lifting for one month. We recommend patients sleep with their head elevated for the first week following surgery as this will also help reduce postoperative swelling. It is expected to see some bruising and swelling after surgery which will typically resolve within 14 days.

We hope that this blog entry has helped answer some of the important questions that may arise when considering a face lift or rhytidectomy in Tampa or Wesley Chapel. If you have any further questions regarding this or any other procedure that you might be interested in, feel free to contact us and schedule your complimentary consultation with Dr. Fakhre, our double board certified plastic surgeon. You may contact us at 813-PLASTIC (752-7842)!

A Flat Beautiful Belly..
Monday, February 16th, 2015.

With the New Year fully set in motion we all want to look our best. February is the month of love and women especially want to look their best and feel good about themselves. Many might find that after having kids their abdomen is not nearly in the same condition it once was. Regardless of the amount of exercise and diet, the “pouch” or loose skin doesn’t seem to go away. As a result, shopping for clothes and swimwear can be challenging. Fortunately, there is an excellent treatment option available to address the loose skin.

An abdominoplasty or tummy tuck procedure can help you get back the appearance of a flatter abdomen. It can be performed alone or with liposuction to improve the contour of the abdomen.  The decision to perform a full or mini abdominoplasty depends on the elasticity of the skin as well as the laxity of the underlying muscle. 

When performing a full abdominoplasty there are two different incisions used. The first incision runs horizontally from one side of the abdomen to the other. This incision can generally be covered by under garments or a bathing suit. The second incision is placed around the belly button allowing it to be freed from the surrounding tissue. After these incisions are made Dr. Fakhre will lift up the excess tissue including loose skin, stretch marks, and excess fat.  Dr. Fakhre will then tighten the underlying muscles of the abdominal wall. Once this is done the excess skin and fatty tissue is removed and the incisions neatly closed.

The mini abdominoplasty differs slightly from the full abdominoplasty. The mini abdominoplasty procedure only consists of one incision. This incision will also run horizontally from one side of the abdomen to the other, but is generally shorter than that of a full tummy tuck. The limitation of the mini abdominoplasty is that it does not get rid of the loose skin in the upper abdomen or tighten the muscles of the upper abdomen. The mini tummy tuck only addresses laxity present in the lower abdomen, lower than the belly button. 

After surgery Dr. Fakhre typically places two drains to help remove fluid and these are usually removed after one week. Patients are instructed to take it easy which includes no lifting over 15 pounds, no exercise or rigorous physical activity. Patients are provided with a compression garment and this will need to be worn for one month. Patients that are considering abdominoplasty should be in good shape and health. This procedure is not intended to be a weight loss tool but instead to help contour the body and tighten the abdomen.

We hope that this blog has helped answer some of your questions about abdominoplasty surgery and the difference between a full and mini tummy tuck. During your consultation Dr. Fakhre will personally examine you and let you know which option is better suited for you. If you are considering a Tummy Tuck in Tampa or Wesley Chapel, or if you have any questions, do not hesitate to call our office and schedule your complementary consultation with Dr. Fakhre, our Double Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, at 813-PLASTIC (752-7842).


Types of Breast Implants.
Tuesday, December 16th, 2014.

Breast implants are used to increase the size and improve the form of a woman’s breasts. Since their invention in 1961, the use of breast implants in breast augmentation surgery has helped this become the most common cosmetic procedure performed in the United States each year.  In plastic surgery, breast implants may be used for both cosmetic breast augmentation or in breast reconstruction surgery following mastectomy for example.

In cosmetic breast augmentation, patients who typically consider breast implants are those who desire a more proportionate or appealing figure. Those who feel self-conscious about the appearance of their breasts, have breast asymmetry issues, or who have developed unwanted changes to their breasts following pregnancy or significant weight loss, may all desire breast augmentation. Currently there are two different types of breast implants available, saline and silicone. Saline implants are composed of a silicone shell but are filled with a sterile saline solution. Silicone implants on the other hand are completely made of silicone using a thick cohesive silicone gel.

The advantages of saline implants are that they have a long history of safe use, as the saline solution is similar to our body fluids. As such the saline may be safely absorbed if the implant were to rupture. Some disadvantages of saline implants however are that they typically don’t look or feel as natural as silicone implants. Also they may rupture or deflate earlier than their silicone counterparts. Saline implants are also more susceptible to wrinkling, folding or rippling than silicone implants.

Silicone gel implants are the most common type of breast implant used in the United States today. Unlike saline implants, they are pre-filled before they are inserted. Some advantages of silicone gel implants are soft and supple and as such they feel and look more natural than saline implants. In the unlikely event of the implant's shell rupturing, because the gel is cohesive, it is designed to not leak into the surrounding tissue. Silicone implants are also less likely to wrinkle or fold because of their ability to retain their shape and integrity. It is important to remember that breast implants are not designed to last indefinitely. It is generally recommended that breast implants be changed every ten years.

We hope that this blog helped explain the differences between saline and silicone breast implants and served as a guide to help with your decision on implant type should you desire breast augmentation. If you are considering Breast Augmentation in Tampa or Wesley Chapel, or if you have any questions, do not hesitate to call our office and schedule your complementary consultation with Dr. Fakhre, our Double Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, at 813-PLASTIC (752-7842).



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Dr. Fakhre

G. Peter Fakhre, MD

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  • 2525 Cypress Ridge Blvd
  • Wesley Chapel, FL
  • 33544
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  • Call: 813-(752-7842)